My name is Angela and my son name is Kendrevion Harris. Kendrevion is 16 and we live in Houston Tx. On July 28,2024 my son was involved in a car accident that almost killed him. The car accident happened due to a high speed chase. The Houston and Humble police department was chasing a black Audi when it hit my son going over 90 mph also the Houston police hit the car my son was in after the car hit him. My son has a brain injury and he’s on a 72 hours critical watch. His brain is swollen real bad. He also got bad injuries to his body as well he is having seizures his liver damaged, spine damage, pelvis broke and chest cage broken he was taken to the hospital by Lift Flight he is only 16 and wanted to play football now I have to be up here with him around the clock because he’s under age can’t work it’s hard I got other kids as well and I need help with my son i haven’t ate since it happened I’m praying hard my baby wake up he only 16 in the 11th grade ready for school he loved to joke laugh and play video games It’s hard he didn’t deserve this
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