"On Wednesday, July 19, many parts of India's ancient holy cities of Vrindavan and Mathura were flooded by the swollen Yamuna river, after heavy rainfall in northern India caused it to breach its banks. These cities recorded water levels of 166.68 metres - the 'danger level' is 166 metres, according to local authorities." -Reuters The continuing flooding along the Yamuna, 20 feet higher than usual in some locations, has forced many Vrindavan families to flee their homes or find themselves living on rooftops. “Trapped and losing everything, they face unimaginable hardship without food, medical aid, electricity, and water, clinging to hope on 2nd & 3rd floors,” said Food For Life Vrindavan. We at Vrindavan Sadhu Seva Foundation have ramped up our effort to provide healthy and home-cooked food to the residents of Vrindavan. Because of the high flood waters, food has to be distributed from vehicles & boats to reach those most in need. Dangerous hanging electrical wires just above the flood waters made food distribution especially treacherous. Despite numerous challenges, our team at Vrindavan has reached 1000+ stranded families, some trapped for up to six days without access to food, clean water, and electricity. In this difficult time, your support can make a significant impact. By donating, you can provide much-needed assistance to these underprivileged families. We will your funds to purchase groceries and continue our work of distributing healthy and home-cooked food to the people of Vrindavan. We will also share updates on our relief operations through our Instagram and Youtube pages. Your generosity can bring hope and relief to those who are going through such trying circumstances. Please consider donating to Vrindavan Sadhu Seva Foundation's flood relief efforts to help these families in need. Together, we can make a positive change in their lives and offer them the support they require during this challenging period. Contact Us To learn more about our work, click here Also, consider following us on Youtube Instagram Feel free to reach out to us at [phone redacted] (Harsh Agarwal) and +91 9927300506 (Lalit Krishna) and we will be happy to answer any questions you might have! Thank you so much for your consideration!
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