

The Bosković family lives in the village of Mislodjin, near Obrenovac. The father of the family died in 2008, and the mother Ljiljana in 2017. The eldest son Dejan, who suffered from epilepsy, died 3 months ago as a result of an epileptic attack at the age of 46. The middle brother Dragan suffers from schizophrenia and depression. The youngest brother, Ninoslav, has to take care of Dragan and therefore is unable to work and earn a living. The Boskovic family has been living in inadequate living conditions for a long time. They are in URGENT need of firewood so that they would have heating during cold winter. Currently, they do not have money to buy the firewood. The house also does not have a septic tank, so they have spillage of feces that goes on the houses below. The house does not have external insulation, so it is full of moisture. The roof tile has fallen in many places, it has not been whitewashed for years. They have no money to pay the electricity and water bills. The brothers simply do not have the help and support to do it. We hereby ask all people of goodwill to help according to their abilities. Thank you for all your help and understanding. Greatly appreciated and God bless you all. Grateful on behalf of the Bosković family their nephew Sasa Savic and Gordana. Porodica Bosković zivi u selu Mislodjinu, u okolini Obrenovca. Otac porodice preminuo 2008 godine, majka Ljiljana 2017 godine. Najstariji sin Dejan Koji je bolovao od epilepsije je preminuo pre 3 meseca od posledica epi napada u 46 godini. Srednji brat Dragan boluje od sizofrenije i depresije . Najmlađi brat Ninoslav mora da se stara o Draganu I samim tim nije u mogućnosti da radi i da ostvaruje prihode za zivot. Porodica Boskovic vec duze vreme zivi u neadekvatnim uslovima za stanovanje. Trenutno stanje zahteva sređivanje kuce i pokućstva jer nemaju sredstava. Kuca nema septičku jamu pa imaju izlivanje fekalija koje idu na kuce ispod i imaju problem sa komsijama.Kuca nema spoljnu izolaciju pa je puna vlage. Na dosta mesta je pao crep, nije krečeno godinama.Racune za struju I vodu nemaju novca da plate. Braca jednostavno nemaju pomoć I podrsku da to urade. Ovim putem molimo sve ljude dobre volje da pomognu shodno svojim mogućnostima. Zahvalni u ime porodice Bosković, brat od tetke Sasa Savic I Gordana.

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