Hello, my name is Sean, or some of you might know me as Guru. Either way, I am here today to ask our community to come together to help two of our most beloved members recover from being victims of “the Kia challenge”. In late June, Adrian and Tess’ new to them car was stolen. Just three months prior they had bought this Kia with $12000 in cash that they worked hard to save up in at attempt to be fiscally responsible and save money on interest rates. Sadly, due to the fact Tess is still working on finishing her degree, they didn’t think they could swing the extra money for comprehensive insurance coverage. So they opted for liability only, just to get them through August, which means they are left having to foot the bill completely on their own. Fortunately, their car was recovered. So, they are not out 12k, but it is still a pretty big hit financially. Before this, they anticipated being back to a comfortable financial situation in August, with the hopes of being able to move into an apartment with a spare bedroom. "A spare bedroom? Why do they need that?" Glad you asked because the answer is quite exciting! Adrian and Tess need that extra bedroom to be able to begin the fostering/adoption process. That's right, they are going to take a lucky child out of the system and give them the most loving, nurturing parents anyone could ask for! Unfortunately, with the damages to their car as well as the fact they are down one car while it gets repaired, they are both feeling quite at a loss and unsure of how to move forward, despite how hard both of them work. That’s where we come in! I have been talking to them about what sort of financial hit they have taken so that we can come together and show up for them, just as we know they would do for any one of us. The repairs needed for their Kia come to $2,764.48 which I am going to call $2,765 because I am not smart enough to do math with decimals. I also asked them to get a quote from their insurance company to see how much more it would cost for them to have comprehensive coverage for six months, as opposed to the bare minimum liability coverage they currently have. That additional coverage which will protect their huge 12k investment is only $95 a month which comes out to $570 for six months. That brings us to $3, 335 to get their car back to how it was before the theft and to give them a six-month upgrade from liability to comprehensive coverage. I am going to set the goal at 4k, which gives them an additional $665 which should cover any ride-shares and missed work due to this incident. Neither of them wanted to ask for help. Tess even told me “We are going to pay everyone back.” To which I replied “Fuck no you are not. Let us show up for y’all and selfishly enjoy the good feels that come from helping out super deserving people.” So, let’s get those good feels from helping out our beloved friends when they need us! This is a pretty low goal by LFEBridge standards so even if everyone who loved them just chipped in the cost of a cup of coffee we would quickly hit our goal. Please donate what you can and share this fundraiser even if you can’t spare a dime.
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