Hi, my name is Adrienne and I’m the proud mama to two young kids and a spunky little corgi. If you know me personally, you know how independent I am and how I never ask for help. But when it comes to my babies, I have to try. Harlow decided to be a little mischievous today and dug into the suitcase I left half unpacked while I was at work. She ate half a bottle of children’s ibuprofen. Once I found out, I rushed her to the ER while I was on the phone with poison control. When the doctor came in and showed me what it would cost to try to treat my girl, I burst into tears. As any single mom knows, it’s hard to find over $2000 just laying around. So I forked over my last $300 and told them to do what they could to save her. Vomiting was induced and activated charcoal was given. At this point, we’re together at home, waiting to see what happens. Harlow has saved me time and time again, made me smile when nothing else could, and has literally been my shoulder to cry on. (She’s a hugger!) I don’t know what we’d do without our little rascal. Thank you to all for your support and prayers.
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