

At the southern edge of Mexico near the borders of Guatemala lies the state of Chiapas. Here, Muslims from around the Americas have migrated and mixed with the indigenous Tzotzil to form the only living third-generation community of Mexican Muslims in Central America. Over the last year the halal carneceria, now named “Sincero” has grown to support the community’s meal needs and is becoming a source of sustainable economic development for the Muslim community in Chiapas. Previously run by Yusuf, the community member in the video, Sincero has now also been joined by another trainee Muhammad Yusuf. As the sole provider of halal meat for the community, the business needs more trained workers in order to fulfill community demand and to seed sustainable economic growth for the residents. Additionally, a portion of the profits generated from this business aims to be invested in the local madrasa so that it can offer more programs for the community. Please donate to continue supporting the Muslim community of Chiapas and their efforts toward building sustainable resources, businesses and community spaces

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