

Hi Everyone, This is very difficult for me because I'm not accustomed to asking for financial help, but a perfect storm of events has created a situation we can't escape on our own. It began in February of 2024, when my mother suffered a massive stroke that rendered her half paralyzed and in a state of extreme dementia. I left California for five months to stay with her in Oklahoma as her condition deteriorated, and she passed away in June 2024. I spent several more months attending to family and estate business, and due to an error on the part of my mother's attorneys, I was prevented from inheriting my family home, which I had planned to sell, pay off the mortgage and secure a modest financial safety net to cover the losses created by leaving Los Angeles for more than half a year. This news came after I'd paid several thousands of dollars toward legal fees and preparing the home for sale. As a result, I was left penniless. During this period, Simone and I were also undertaking the long and expensive process of moving her mentally ill mother from Louisiana to California so we could be closer to her and provide the needed care. We were able to accomplish this move last fall, but the impact on my work schedule led my employers to fire me instead of granting me personal leave. The meager income I'd managed to recover was gone, and since then I have been trying to pick up freelance gigs anywhere I can, while Simone has been unable to find steady work due to her mother's ongoing condition and the constant care she needs. Little did we know our problems had only begun. With almost no notice, our landlord notified us in July that he would be turning over the house to his son, who is unable to pay rent on his current residence and needs a new place to live. We now have less than 60 days to find a new home -- with no money for deposits and virtually no time to search for anything. As it is, we will need to move all of our belongings into a storage facility as soon as possible. Further compounding things, Simone was in a serious car accident last month, which totaled her vehicle (the other driver was at fault; he was apparently texting while driving), and she is still waiting to receive compensation from her insurance company -- which isn't enough to by a new vehicle, and she was forced to take out a bank loan to cover the difference. But with no income, she won't be able to make the loan payments, so we're down to my late mother's car, which is old and unreliable. I've never asked for this kind of help before, because we've always been resourceful enough to snap back from just about anything life can throw at us. But I'm afraid this time it's just too much to handle on our own. That's why we are asking for your assistance in this most difficult period of our lives. Any amount helps, so please consider contributing to this fund if at all possible. Thank you very much for your time and assistance. Best, Greg & Simone

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