

15/09/23 - UPDATED MJ IS IN THE CLEAR Hey all - just a quick update to let you know that MJ has been granted a Conditional Release Order without Conviction - which essentially amounts to a the offence being discharged without incurring a record conditional upon good behavior for a certain period. His fees have also been covered in full. This is the ideal outcome for everyone involved and it would not have been possible without the support of this wonderful community. Please all stay kind and wonderful and look out for your mates. I will be closing this down now as we have reached our goal! Much Love Doolz (and MJ) 14/08/23 - Hey All - Please see below a message from MJ! We are super close to our goal so any help is appreciated!| Hi everyone, I wanted to write to you all to provide you with a brief update. Without all your generosity I would’ve been significantly worse off, so with your donations I’ve managed to the secure the services of Justin Wong of Streeton Lawyers who will be handling my case. I appeared in court on Thursday, 10 August 2024 at 09h30 where we asked for an adjournment until September 15, 2024. The rationale behind this decision was to allow for time for me to show “remorse” and effort towards “rehabilitation”. As part of my efforts I’ve joined the Smart Recovery Program and the Stimulant Treatment Program which require me to commit to regular engagements and also provide me with a certificate or other type of recognition that the courts and legal system see as progress towards rehabilitation. While I see the current drug laws and penalties imposed on me as unjust, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to stay in Australia and continue working towards making a difference in the lives of people who are disproportionately impacted by these same laws. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart and appreciate every donation and message of support. While this situation initially made me feel disheartened, experiencing all the support I’ve received from you all has motivated me to continue to fight for the human rights and well-being of people who use drugs. With love, MJxx Hey, my name is Cait (or Doolz), I met MJ while working my first-ever shift in harm reduction at a music festival and I was immediately blown away by their knowledge, passion and dedication to the cause. Anyone who has met MJ knows they are also one of the most generous people you will ever meet - with their time, knowledge and with friendship. Everyone in our community knows the stigma and discrimination PWUD are faced with every day - which is why we do what we do. Now MJ have found themselves a target of that stigma and is required to mount a legal defence for a possession charge. As we all know, PhD students are not well compensated and costi livs continue to rise - I have created this Go Fund Me to try and help take some of the financial burden off MJ and also because everyone who knows or has met them can appreciate how important it is for them to stay here in our community with us, doing the amazing work they are doing. I am not going to make this long and rambling because it doesn't really need to be - if you know and love MJ please give what you can so we can put this behind us and move forward with them safe and part of our community where they belong. All funds raised from this campaign will go directly to the legal expenses incurred in the defence of this matter, which has been quoted to be around $5,700. Thanks and Much Love. Doolz Hey all - Doolz here with an update and to answer some questions! First and foremost thank you to everyone who has contributed or reached out to MJ the community support has been overwhelming, humbling and has made my heart grow about 5 sizes! A few people have asked when this Go Fund Me closes - basically it doesn't have an end date as yet. MJ has a court date in a couple of weeks and their defence team is going to ask for an adjournment in order to give them time to prepare their evidence. This is pretty common practice and is likely to be granted, the overall process could take a couple of months. Thus, I am going to leave this up until we reach our goal or until fees are due for the lawyers. So if it is still up and the goal has not been reached then it is still LIVE! Second, a few people have asked what exactly a Section 10 is - so basically - a s10 made under the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999, allows a court to find someone guilty of an offence without recording a criminal conviction. Effectively discharging the matter. This is usually accompanied by a good behaviour bond of some kind for a certain period of time, which if breached would result in the matter being recorded as a criminal conviction. Many people apply for s10 for possession offences and low range drink driving etc. I was once granted one for some bud - using the same lawyer MJ has engaged! I am monitoring this daily so if you have any other questions please reach out to me at any time! Much Love - Doolz

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