VACCHO's Balit Durn Durn Centre team are raising money for our Elders for the month of NAIDOC. In line with this year's NAIDOC theme 'For our Elders' we will be staying dry for the month of NAIDOC. The money raised will support our Elders within the Victorian Aboriginal community who do some deadly work. These are the people that have raised us, fought for us, taught us what we know, and have paved a path for the younger generations. We march in the giant steps before us. All of the funds raised will go to support Grandmothers Against Removals (GMAR) Here are there facebook page for details: https://www.facebook.com/GMAR.GrandmothersAgainstRemovals/ GMAR is a grassroots initiative made up of community Elders who advocate, support and connect with families at risk of having children removed from families. GMAR doesn't receive any government funding or support, and mostly work on a voluntary basis. Most of our SEWB team (pictured above) are participating in a Dry month for the month. This means no after work drinks, no drinks at NAIDOC ball, and certainly no weekend celebrations. This month is about giving back and celebrating our Elders that have given us so much. Please donate what you can. No donation is too big or small. We are currently having discussions with Elders to decide what cause or initiative this money should support. Stay Dry. Stay Deadly. Some information about VACCHO and the Balit Durn Durn Centre. Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation: VACCHO is the peak body for Aboriginal health and wellbeing in Victoria – the only organisation of its kind - with 33 Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) as Members. VACCHO trains, supports, and advocates with and for our Members and their Communities across Victoria. ACCOs deliver a suite of culturally safe and responsive frontline health and community care services for Aboriginal Communities. ACCOs have a proud, long history as sustainable, grassroot organisations that assist in building Aboriginal self-determination. They hold Aboriginal health in Aboriginal hands. The Balit Durn Durn Centre (the Centre) was launched in May 2024 as a response to the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System. Although the creation of the Centre is in its infancy, it is a result of the tireless advocacy of Aboriginal peoples across generations. The Centre fosters innovation and improvement in social and emotional wellbeing practice, policy, and research. The language term Balit Durn Durn was gifted by the Wurundjeri community to name our report in response to the Royal Commission’s Interim Report. Further approval was sought to continue the use of Woi Wurrung language to name the Centre. The Centre acknowledges the generosity of Wurundjeri people for the continued use of their Woi Wurrung language. Balit Durn Durn translates in English to ‘strong brain, mind, intellect and sense of self’.
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