On Thursday night, Reid and his family lost their rent home in a devasting electrical fire. No harm came to any people, but the damage was significant. Everything in the house was a total loss, including all the furniture, clothing, pictures, and other sentimental items. What the fire did not destroy, the smoke damage did. Their family cat did not survive the fire. Because this was a rental property, the insurance settlement will be awarded to the owner of the property. After this devasting loss Reid and his family are having to stay in a hotel while they search for a new home. We are asking for immediate financial assistance to ensure they are able to find a new place to live. The deposit and rent to get into a new place is significant, and in the meantime, they are having to pay out of pocket for a hotel. If there is anything leftover, it will be used to purchase new furniture and clothing. We are also asking for anyone who is able to see if there are any items that you could donate to him and his children when they do find another place to move into. Nothing can ever replace what was lost in the fire, but we are hoping that with your help, Reid and his children can find a stable place to land after this tragedy.
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