

Hello Friends and Family, on Sunday night my daughter YeVette's house was hit by a microburst during a monsoon storm. The roof was torn off and the house then became flooded leading to massive ceiling, wall and floor damage. Which also resulted in everything in their home being water, drywall and insulation damaged or ruined. They are currently staying in a Hotel for now while waiting on temporary housing to accommodate there family and 2 pets. They do have insurance, but as we all know it takes time for that to come through. Then they will have the length of time that it will take for their whole home to be rebuilt and all of their belongings replaced. We are asking all of our friends and Family to help with their immediate needs for now, if you can. The 2 kids need help with clothes, and food and the dog, and kitty are in need of food. They do not currently have a kitchen, so they are forced to eat out and buy groceries daily. So with the help of her sisters we are setting up a GO FUNDME and any and all help will be greatly appreciated, Love Joy..GOD BLESS * additional note: this App only allows us to put 1 photo which prevents us from giving you a complete picture of the extent of the damage. The storm ripped off all of the roofing materials exposing all of the plywood and allowing the water to penetrate the ceilings and walls and floors thus causing damage to literally everything. We are hoping that this pic gives you at least some sort of idea of what they are facing throughout the whole house.

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