Hi, I'm Annie Ellicott and I'm raising funds for my friend DJ Debra Morrow Ingram and her Son Riley. Riley is a 23-year-old Marine stationed in Okinawa. A tumor has just been found in his brain and he's been flown to Honolulu for emergency surgery. The tumor has begun affecting his speech and balance, and DJ has to be there to communicate with the medical staff and help him through recovery. Thankfully the Military has taken care of her flight to Hawaii from Tulsa, and she is already there, but so far she is otherwise on her own. They will have to stay at least 3 weeks in Honolulu for surgery and recovery. Honolulu is not a cheap place to be. DJ went through the lengthy death of her husband a few years ago. He spent several months in the ICU, and having just changed jobs before falling ill, he had no life insurance. DJ was left with a mountain of medical bills, and she hasn't owned a credit card since. She works hard in the nonprofit world, lives modestly and has paid off all her husband's medical debt. Like most of us, she lives paycheck to paycheck. I insisted on doing a LFEBridge for her (much to her discomfort) because she needs and deserves to be supported through this time of crisis with her only child. If you are able, please help DJ and Riley.
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