Update 8/7 from Kristine: Well, the flight out to Idaho as a success to retrieve my car. Yet it was so difficult to leave our home and our son for a few days. I knew Keith had everything covered while I was gone. I want to give a huge thank you to the Vacaville Fire Department for coming out to our house today for Collin. You are not only taking time out of your day to visit us but to help support a young man who looks up to you in your everyday activity in saving others. We are grateful for your support and commitment to your community. We truly appreciate the gesture and time. Words can't explain the joy it brought to us, just having you here.☺️ A dear friend also stopped by to bring us a wonderful dinner to enjoy. It was such a pleasure to visit with you. Please come by anytime. We can't thank all of you enough, and we are all so grateful to each one of you. Collin is healing in every way he can. It's truly a miracle for only being a little over 3 weeks in his condition. Standing,walking slowly, and being able to smile and communicate to those who come by! We still have many surgeries ahead, not only on his skull with the cyst that was found, bone cyst in the frontal lob area (blessing in disguise) but also the removal of hardware in his back. Projecting, hopefully, in the next 6 to 9 months of removal I have stepped back from work to stay home with him , Collin will be attending Visons homeschooling out of Sacramento until he can return to Vaca High. We will continue to be active in the community and do everything we can for all out there. Staying positive and taking each moment by moment, day by day. Definitely moments of reflecting, hardship, and tears. But we must stand tall, positive, and firm. Smiles, gratitude, and joy for each moment we have are the most important. Because others will recognize your reaction, and if you power through the hard obstacles, anything is possible. With love & and light, The Seder's Update 8/1 from Kristine: Collin is settling in! His rooms downstairs that our dear friends help put together for him has worked out perfectly! It's as though it was meant to be there. Thank you to everyone who helped get that set up! Words can not express how much it has meant to our family. Wonderful meals have come to us as well, and it's been wonderful to have not only the delicious meals but the company to visit and see Collin Appointments this week for his cyst on his skull that they found with the CT scan and appointments next week with the neurosurgeon at Kaiser. We all our moving forward. Collin is keeping his strength up and continues to progress in recovery. He loves having his buddies visit. Short visit, but every time they leave, he tells us how nice it was they stopped by He even has been walking out front to stand and get a fresh breath of air. I might stop breathing for a moment out of my fears, but he is doing it! Keith, Johnathan, and Clara are doing well, too. School is starting soon for them, and Keith is back to work. I am holding the fort down. I have had to step away from work for the moment as I need to be with Collin. We are in a fragile time, and we don't need any slips or trips happening. The 2 kiddos and I will be returning to Idaho this weekend to get my car and drive back. Once again, thank you for all the support, thoughts, and prayers. Update 7/28 from Kristine: We made it home! With family waving us goodbye with hugs and tears, to family welcoming us home with hugs and tears of joy that we all were together again. Our flight from Boise to Sacramento was a beautiful flight. With the sun setting to the west, clouds looked like soft pillows gliding through the sky and the thoughta of all the angels flying with peace. The flight itself was a bit bumpy, but the staff and crew were helpful from start to finish. Collin was full of smiles with the suprise of classmates and dear friends surprising us with a joyful return of sings, hugs, and smiles. We are so thankful for all of you and your support. Come stop by anytime! Update 7/26 from Kristine: Well, today is the day we start the first leg of our journey home. Keith,Johnathan,Clara, and the pups, along with the motorcycles, mountian bikes, and most of the luggage,plus the new accessories for Collins recovery are on their way. As we have thoroughly enjoyed being with our family over the past couple of weeks, it's time to come back and get started on the journey ahead. Collin and I will be flying home tomorrow evening from Boise to Sacramento to join them. There is no easy way home for Collin with comfort. Flying was decided the best for him. Plus, we must return for all the upcoming appointments. Collin has been doing well. He is not able to walk for long periods of time, but he is able to stand for about 5 minutes and slowly walk around. In time, his strength and nourishment within his body will overcome his incident, and he soon, I pray, will be back to himself. He has been mentally strong and determined to come through this! Which we are so blessed to see within himself. Most important is the flight home and our return. Yes, we are a bit nervous as anyone would be, but as I always say, be strong during the storm, hold your head up high,stick together, and power through. Obstacles come and go, seasons change, mountians grow, and valleys will show. Take each moment we have as a blessing as we never know what the next one will give us. Do a good deed every day for someone you don't know, a smile, a simple hello or a suprise of your choice. A simple act of kindness can go a long way in a person's life ✨️ Keith and I want to thank you for all the support and kindness you have shown our family through this time in our lives. It's truly appreciated beyond words Update 7/22 from Kristine: A quick update on Collin! On Friday 7/21, he was discharged from the hospital. He is now staying at his grandmother's house with all of us while he continues to heal. He is determined to become stronger everyday with his mind and body. He's sitting up and walking, wants to practice getting in and out of the car, and of course go for late night ice cream runs). Now that he is back at the Idaho family home, everyone is taking time to breathe, decompress, and focus on healing. We so appreciate all of the support from those near and far! ❤️❤️❤️ Update 7/20 from Kristine: Progress has been made today. He was able to get up out of bed. Walked to the bathroom and then again out to the hallway. It is not easy, but he is determined to heal. There have been many moments with tears, frustration, and shock that this has happened. But we are taking it day by day, and growing stronger with every stride. We are grateful for our family, which is with us, our community of friends and family at home, and all those near and far. ❤️ Till tomorrow Update 7/19 from Kristine: Well, today has been a lot. From a lack of sleep to weaning him from a narcotic and trying new meds. The wonderful and outstanding news is...!!!! Collin stood, and he walked a bit again! He is very weak and in a lot of pain, so I went and got more protein drinks, bars, and snacks and any interesting foods. We have been told we might be getting moved to the 8th floor in the central tower of the hospital. It has not been confirmed yet, though. Looking into a rental vehicle, a van possibly so he can get in and out easier when that time comes. We all, as a family, want to thank everyone individually from the bottom of our hearts for the funding you have provided. We are a family of faith and strength and coming together and never thought of asking anything more. So we thank you for the money that has been donated. Every dollar that has been provided will be in the help and interest to getting Collin healed and back to as normal as he can be. Funding will be for the rental of a vehicle to transport him out here when that time comes to supplies that will need to be purchased for his recovery and transportation of returning home. We will keep you updated through this site so you know how Collin is doing. Update 7/18 from Kristine (Collin’s mom): First, we want to thank Amanda for creating this page as a thoughtful gesture. Prayer and strength are the ultimate requests for our family during this time for our son. We also want to thank all of you for your support you have posted through this website and the prayers as well. They all are going to our son and his recovery. We are with our family here in Idaho, and we also want to thank them for helping us during this time, too. For being there through each process, bringing us food, clothing, emotional support, physical support, and helping with our other kids, dogs, and cat that traveled up this way, too. Collin has 7 fractured ribs, 4 through 11 on his left side, 6 fractured vertebrae from L1 to L5 and T12, Postexterior fusion with pins and bars on L2 L3 and L4. Goes to show: No matter how many times you ride a trail, practicing jumps or just riding, things can happen in an instant. Thank God he had a good helmet on, or we would have a completely different story. Wear your helmets and all the proper equipment, no matter how experienced you might be. We will keep you posted as much as we can. Thank you all for the support. We are very grateful for each one of you. Till tomorrow, love & light -Kristine The Story: On Saturday, July 15th, while on vacation in Idaho, Collin, age 14, was in a horrible mountain biking accident. He was thrown over the handlebars, first landing on his head, cracking his helmet in half, then landing flat on his back. The violence of the impact caused extensive injuries including 7 broken ribs and several broken bones in his back, which have already required surgery and he has a very long recovery ahead of him. This family is one of the most generous, kind, and humble families I have ever known, and are always giving to others without expecting anything in return. I am setting up this fundraiser to help the family cover some of the expenses they will face in the coming weeks and months. They are far from home and they have no idea when Collin will be well enough travel home. Any amount you can spare is greatly appreciated and we are also asking for prayers over his body, soul, and spirit. Thank you, Amanda
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