Dear Friends and Family, Three days ago, an electrical fire burned down Jim and Dee Schabowski's home of nearly 50 years. Praise God they were able to escape the house and save the lives of their grandchildren (Judah and Joseph) who were with them at the time. Even so, apart from the clothes on their backs, everything else, including the house, was destroyed in the fire. They lost wallets, Dee's engagement ring, irrecplaceble family heirlooms, family pictures, class rings, as well as all household items). For the time being they are without a home, proper identification, subscirption medication, or even a toothbrush. They are in need of your support - would you consider donating to help Jim and Dee begin to restore what was lost? Your donation will allow them to purchase clothing, food, medicines - all the basic necessitites in this time of crisis. Thank you very much!
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