

Restoring Hope after a Devastating House Fire On July 11, 2024, Kris and Alicia Poliakiwski, along with their three young children Max (11), Beau (8), and Lennon (6), endured a life-altering event—an unexpected house fire that left them with profound loss and despair. We are reaching out to you today, seeking your support and compassion to help the Poliakiwski family rebuild their lives after this devastating incident. While the Poliakiwski family has insurance coverage, the fire consumed their home and belongings, leaving them facing significant challenges and emotional distress. The family still requires additional support to recover fully. Your donations will help bridge the gap and provide crucial aid where insurance fails. The Poliakiwski family needs assistance to restore their lives and create a stable environment for their children. Your contributions will be used to cover essential needs, such as temporary housing during the rebuilding process, replacing personal belongings, and ensuring security and stability for Max, Beau, and Lennon. Let us stand together in solidarity with the Poliakiwski family as they face the daunting task of rebuilding their lives after losing their home and possessions. No donation is too small, and every act of kindness counts. Thank you for your compassion, empathy, and willingness to make a difference in the lives of this resilient family. Please donate any amount and share this campaign widely.

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