Dear All, Praise the Lord! I successfully passed the Eagle Scout Board of Review today. I couldn't make it without all of your help! Thank you so much! Blessings always, Andy Zhou 10/26/2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dear friends, I made a video for the project, enjoy! Andy 10/9/2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone! Thank you so much for all your contributions (donations, volunteering, support, encouragement,...) to the project of Building NSCC Youth Library! With your help, the project was completed on 9/23/2024. Here is the photo album. I fundraised $1,615 through Go Fund Me (family, units, and friends) to purchase the books and the materials. I managed to purchase Christian books on several thrift online book stores. I also changed the bookshelf schematic's measurements slightly to make it more cost effective. Thus I saved a $150 donation for NSCC. The beneficiary received my left over funds $150 at the end of my project. There are more than a hundred books in the Youth Library. Here is the book list. You are welcome to check out the books every Saturday 9am-2pm at New Spring Christian Center(1842 Reynolds Ave, Irvine, CA, 92614). I hope this library could be a blessing to many people. Thank you again for all your generous donations and support! Tremendous thanks, Andy Zhou 9/23/2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone! My name is Andy Zhou, and I am currently a Life Scout from Boy Scouts of America Troop 606. I am currently working towards earning the Eagle Scout Rank, and a fundamental portion of earning the Eagle Rank is conducting an Eagle Project which is aimed at benefiting the community. I have been a part of NSCC(New Spring Christian Center) since it was founded in 2015. Many youths and I have been deeply blessed by my church in many ways. I would not be where I am today without my church. It has built my character, brought me to Christ, shaped my beliefs, and given me a loving community. I would like to give back for all the blessings this church has given me by doing my Eagle Project here. My Eagle Project is to build a youth library. I designed a tree-shaped wooden bookshelf, which can not only store many books but also has a good decorative effect. My design comes from natural tree branches. It implies life growth. This bookshelf will display books uniquely and beautifully to encourage youth to read more good books. I am collecting a book wish list from my pastor and youth group. If you have any recommendations, you are welcome to add them. My goal is to fundraise 100 books to fill the library. With the help of volunteers from my scout troop, friends, family, and you, I will set up the bookshelf in the NSCC youth room and a system for checking books borrowing and returning. Great books can help guide youth through our teen years and play a huge role in our personal, mental, and spiritual growth. To make this happen, I need your support! Besides donating money, you may also donate books(appropriate to Christian youth from age 13 to 24 years old) to NSCC every Saturday at 10:30 am at 1842 Reynolds Ave, Irvine, CA, 92614. I appreciate your donations and help! :) With appreciation, Andy Zhou 7/15/2024
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