

Build Water Well-reaching those left behind in Addis Alem Gojam, western part of Ethiopia "Leave no one behind' is a huge challenge as many are already left behind in the race of human dignity and development. Safe and easily available water is important for public health, whether it is used for drinking, domestic use, food preparation and many more. The lack of access to clean water has significant result on people's heath. The consequence of consuming contaminated water led to wide spread water borne illness, particularly cholera and diarrhoea. Millions of People in Ethiopia do not have an access to clean water, which has been causing serious heath problems. This clean water well project is aimed to support the most desperately needy people in a rural village located in Addis Alem Kebele, Guangua woreda, Awi zone - Gojam, Amhara region, in the westen part of Ethiopia. My husband Gemechu S. Ayana, an International medical graduate, is currenty attending his residency in SUNY Downstate Brooklyn - New York for Internal Medicine and is planning for specialization to become Gastroenterologist. He was born in Addis Alem. He shared his story with me about his experience as a child and young teenager growing up, not to mention the scarcity of health care, but the unimaginable difficulty in finding clean drinking water. Women and children walk miles and miles each day to get water for their family, searching for rivers, ponds and gorges. Poor water quality expose individuals to preventable heath risks. Ever since my husband told me his childhood experience, I couldn't stop thinking about those who are left behind. We know access to clean water is a key to combating those diseases. So they desperately need our help. In collaboration with Great Commission Ethiopia Office and Geja Kale Hiwot Church 'C' Choir, we would like to reach those left behind and build water well for Addis Alem Community. Every strerched hand will save women and children from hours of hand labor and transform the community's heath status. Your donation provide them water well which is an amazing gift of life. Let's share the love of God through the gift of clean safe drinking water!

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