

Hello everyone. My name is Cindy. I am honored to be selected as one of the Top 40 finalists in the 2024 New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Global Chinese Pageant, representing Sydney and Australia in the final round of the competition from Sept. 24-30th in New York. The First NTD Global Chinese Beauty Pageant is one of a series of international cultural and artistic events organized by NTD TV. It aims to promote the traditional virtues and values of women while reviving authenticity, compassion, beauty and grace. The competition is open to all Chinese women (18-30 years old) from all over the world. The unique design of the “Miss NTD” phoenix crown symbolizes five important qualities of Chinese culture - morality, righteousness, propriety, benevolence, and faithfulness. I wish to raise AUD$10,000 to cover the cost of participating in the competition (including entry fee, airfare, accommodation, etc.). For a small amount of money, you can help me fulfill “Beauty with a Mission” and realize my aspiration to restore traditions and take lead in something new. Visit the official website of New Tang Dynasty Pageant for more information. Thank you for all the support! ☺️ 大家好,我是Cindy 很榮幸入圍2024年新唐人全球華人選美大賽40強,並代表澳洲參加9月24 - 30日位於紐約的決賽。 首屆「新唐人全球華人選美大賽」是新唐人主辦的系列國際文化藝術活動之一,旨在弘揚女性的傳統審美價值觀,回歸純真、純善、純美的正統文化。 大賽向全球各地所有華裔女性(18- 30歲)開放。「Miss NTD(新唐人小姐)」鳳冠的獨特設計象征著中華文化的五項重要品質 —— 德、義、禮、仁、信。 我希望籌到10,000澳元,用於前往美國參加比賽的費用(包括報名費、機票、食宿等)。花一點點錢,您就可以幫助我履行「美之使命」,實現復興傳統、引領未來的素願。 登錄新唐人選美大賽官網,了解更多信息 感謝您的幫助!

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