Bethlehem Bridges: Regifting gently used furnishings and essential home goods for neighbors in need Who We Are We are two sisters and a brother-in-law; three volunteers - seniors ourselves but still working - willing, able and passionate about working with the community to supporting neighbors in need. Local social services agencies can be stretched at times. We want to assist them and our neighbors at point of need. When these agencies have clients in need of gently used furnishings or home goods, we hope to deliver. And we have a truck! Hi, my name is Susan Metcalf. I am volunteering along with my sister and brother-in-law (Linda and Guy Coolen) to assist especially seniors but also others in need in the Bethlehem, NY and surrounding areas. We are currently an independent organization working by referral with local social services agencies. As they learn about us, they contact us to initiate a process to collect needed items. We are three active volunteers strong with 65 plus Facebook members and growing. Founded July 2024! Join Us: We also have a website: What We Do When one of the local social services agencies contacts us (we are working on getting the word out to them better), we get a description of the client(s) and their needs and then we go searching Buy Nothing Bethlehem, Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist and related sites looking for free gently used furnishings or home goods. Once found, photos are sent to the agency and if acceptable to the client then we work to deliver the item(s). Within the first few months, a client went from basically a roof over their head and a bed to a fully furnished apartment. A senior was delighted with her "new to her" recliner. Fans now help cool two seniors waiting on air conditioners. And then someone gifted an air conditioner. SEPTEMBER UPDATE: Recently we obtained a bariatric chair and someone shipped me a bariatric walker for A. in Albany. We just delivered to her the other day. All September, we've been looking for a queen firm mattress in good condition for her. We've raise $100 towards the mattress to date as the likelyhood of finding a free mattress is not so great. We did obtain a free high-end box spring so that was a success. Over the weekend we drove to Hartford, CT and purchased a platform bed for $50 rated for 600 lbs. Guy is a carpenter and we will reinforce it. We hope to deliver the patform bed, box spring and mattress sometime before winter. First, we need to find her a mattress. The one she received from a local furniture bank has failed. Also in Septeber, we've cleared out a barn-garage space for storage, but the idea is store only hard-to-find-for-free items. Ideally we create a community pipeline. Community members have items they don't need and neighbors could put them to good use. We have limited storage and we do not rush pick-ups. We also do not consider any items that fall under "better than nothing." We all deserve more than that as human beings on this planet. Our 5 Rs: Recycle, Reuse, Regift, Redistribute, Recognize neighbors in need. Brief History In June 2024 a friend asked us to pick up a dresser on the side of the road for a newly housed senior citizen who had only a bed. I have a truck so easy enough to do. In short, there are neighbors in the community who currently have unmet basic needs. We are willing to assist the local social services agencies that have asked if we could assist and the community as well has responded similarly. Currently we need to prove to these agencies that we are serious and responsible and that we can build a model that works - a community supply chain of sorts. We started on Buy Nothing Bethlehem and with gifted items from the community at large, in just about three weeks, we furnished Mr. B's small apartment. We don't know the details but we know there is a need and between Buy Nothing Bethlehem, Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace that post free furnishings and home goods, people have been very willing to gift gently used items to help other community members furnish their homes. There is a lot of logistics from emails and posts to asking for photos to planned pick-ups and deliveries. And the furnishings and home goods need to work for the home and the clients. We've spent much of August creating a website and Facebook Group as "Friends of Bethlehem Bridges" want to be kept abreast of future needs. Finally, an old friend out-of-state said that she was willing to donate money to the cause if I set up a Go Fund Me page so this is that page. Why do we need funds if everything is gifted? Well, first because an out-of-state friend wanted to donate cash :). But also because some items are hard to find for free. I can find some items on Facebook Marketplace for low cost but we can't sustain purchasing items to fill in the gaps. And if people are willing and able to give small amounts of cash, then we can ensure that those cash donations go a long way towards providing gently-used items available used but for a small fee on various community selling websites. Thank you for considering to donate and if you live locally consider instead gifting gently used furnishings or home goods ideally at point of need once we hear from agencies. Join us at For more details, check out our website and photos Susan Metcalf, Linda and Guy Coolen
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