

Extremely difficult for me and Katie to write this post. As some of you maybe aware that on the 17th June our world was turned upside down, when a visit to the hospital with our daughter Eden turned into a parents worst nightmare. What we thought could have possibly been a viral infection.. we soon learnt that our daughter has cancer! With many tests and carful assessments we was told Eden has AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia). We was taken to the QMC straight away for Eden to start active treatment. Damien & Katie ** A fundraising campaign has been set up to help Damien & Katie who need our help right now, as they both need to be by Eden’s bedside. In order for them to give Eden their full support they have both had to give up working. Your donations will be greatly appreciated as you know Damien is self employed and Katie is on maternity leave. Damiens amazing work team are willing to match every penny donated to help towards cost of living whilst they care for their daughter. Thank you to everyone who has already donated and sent well wishes. Keep them in your prayers X

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