

Hi, my name is Camila Torres and my family needs help. In the early morning of July 15, my grandmother, my aunt, my great grandmother and their dog Luna were trapped in the middle of a fire due to an explosion. Their house is uninhabitable and they lost many things. My family lives in Puerto Rico but my immediate family is located here in Northport, NY. Thanks to the action of the neighbors and the hand of God they were able to get out alive, blessing my family with a miracle of only minor injuries, and saving the life of their dog. We need your assistance to help my family compensate for the things they lost and need to get back up on their feet from this tragic event. My Grandma Nora has has spent her life serving her community and the local school giving back to them whenever she could. My Great Grandma Nilda dedicated her life to being a Social Worker for more than 50 years. Any donation, big or small is greatly appreciate. All we are asking for is to extend a friendly hand to them during this unprecedented time. Thank you for your great deal of generosity, God bless you! Hola soy Camila Torres y mi familia necesita ayuda, en la madrugada del 15 de Julio mi Abuela, mi Tía y mi Visa Abuela y su perrita Luna se vieron atrapadas en medio de un incendio a consecuencia de una explosión, su casa esta inhabitable y perdieron muchas cosas. Gracias a la acción de los vecinos y la mano de Dios pudieron salir con vida pero necesitamos de su ayuda para poder ayudar a mi familia a costear las cosas que necesitan para volverse a levantar de esta situación. Mi Abuela Nora ha dedicado su vida al servicio de su escuela y comunidad al igual que mi Visa Abuela Nilda que fue Trabajadora Social por mas de 50 años. Cualquier donación es importante solo queremos aportar un grano de arena a esta causa y extenderles nuestra mano durante este proceso, ¡Gracias Anticipadas, Dios les bendiga!

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