Can I tell you about my friend Andrew? He’s the shit. No really, he is. Guy is the cliche, give you the shirt off his back, last dollar in his pocket, hard-working father pulling 7 day work weeks to provide for his family driving almost an hour each way. He’s just a great guy. We’ve all had our truck/snowmobile/wheeler/golfcart/life/jeep flip over/fall apart and found ourselves in a camp chair at Peter’s place while looking at the heap of junk before us, questioning all the choices we’ve made that lead us to this point only to have Andrew pull out the grill, grab a beer, crank the country and threaten you with a good night of burning trash and telling stories before he lets you borrow one of his vehicles to get you home and get you through until your parts come in and you get your hunk of shit out of his dooryard. Over the last ten (or more) years Andrew has been turning wrench at Finestkind in Harpswell. Some people think a mechanic just shows up to a shop that provides a small collection of tools for the mechanic to use and that mechanic is set for life to keep fixing things with the same few tools over and over again, I mean how many tools could one guy possibly need? Let me stop you right there, the answer is a lot. Like a metric fuckton...then a standard fuckton and of course the proprietary or industry-specific fuckton. Let's not forget manual, electric and pneumatic variables… It’s so many tools that a shop won't provide the majority of them, the industry expectation is that the mechanic brings his own and every week out of every paycheck after figuring out their bills and what they need to keep food on the table they need to squeak out enough to buy more and more and more tools until before you know it the contents of their tool box are worth FAR more than the engine you are asking them to fix for you. I have some good news before I get to the reason I'm hassling you today. Andrew’s extraordinary hard work continues to pay off. Recently Andrew and his tools were offered a position to turn wrench at Brewers Marine in Freeport, we are all excited for Andrew, this is long deserved and will hopefully mean he will get to spend more time at home with his family. Now for the bad news, Andrew might not be afraid of honest back breaking work but someone else is. Somebody broke in and took about $5,000 worth of personal tools from Andrew Wednesday night. Stolen right out of the shop he is currently working at. For those of you that don’t know Harpswell, this was the WRONG town to come at a blue collar guy in. Those of you that do know how that end of blue collar Harpswell works I have no doubt they will find out who did this however I am afraid it won't be in time for Andrew to recoup his losses or get his tools back before starting at his new job. We are hoping to help Andrew replace what was lost so it doesn’t add undue stress to his budget or affect his ability to hit the ground running at his new job. If you can’t donate please share! Lastly, to the person who took the tools, I want you to take a long look at the two kids and their mother in these photos and know the time spent earning the money to buy those tools was time Andrew had to spend away from his family. If you have it in your heart to return any of what you haven't sold or otherwise lost just drop them back off at the boatyard, somewhere dry please. All I ask is that in the future please consider the lives you're affecting with your actions. You didn’t take tools from a business, you took food off a child's plate and a father away from his family.
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