UPDATE 7/31: Update from Zach - saw primary care Dr in Vermillion SD: Staples out, stitches out, head wound looks great according to PCP and the onsite MD. We changed out the dressing just so they could see the wound. Getting phone calls for Neuro and Plastic surgeon, and set up a wound care appt. Update from mom: They've found an apartment to rent in CO so that's one less stressor. Zach has to report to the university by the 18th to start working so Alan will be helping him move in. Alison will be staying behind for bit to stay with the doctors she is now with and to give her body more of a chance to rest. She won't be able to work for awhile so new stress there but it will be OK. They want to thank you all so much for your donations and thoughts and love and friendship! ❤️ UPDATE 7/23: The kids got to Alison's dad's on Saturday. Yaay! Back in the same time zone at least! Here is an update from them for today: *****We got back from the ER a couple hours ago, no noticeable infection, and Alison's head wound actually looks amazing. There's muscle/cell growth and everything seems kosher. That being said we will have a bill from the ER here and we're not sure if Alison will need an operation for the C1 vertebrae, but they will definitely be needing to schedule some sort of skin graft for the back of the head once it's properly healed.***** ❤️❤️ Again thank you all for your support! It is helping them immensely and they want to thank everyone for their kindness! Update 7/20: they are finally headed East! They stopped for the night in Utah (I think) and will likely stop again somewhere tomorrow night. When they get to their destination, Alison will have to check in with the hospital so she can have a new vacuum attached for one of the wounds on the back of her head. I had to Google to see what that's all about. Vacuum assisted wound closure. Very interesting. Thank you again to everyone for your help and kind words. They don't even know where to begin thanking everyone. They are very appreciative! ❤️ Update for 7/19: first of all thank you SO much to all of you who have donated and I have to call out especially those from Alan's and my graduating class of 1988 who have donated. Love you guys! The kids spent today in Reno to allow for Alison to get more rest and make sure the car is ready for the long drive home. They will head our way beginning tomorrow but so far, so good. Zach has to change the dressings on the back of Alison's head. We told him it's not hard to do something like that for someone you love even if you think it's yucky. :-) I will update more tomorrow or Friday. Thank you all again! You are amazing! ❤️ Hi my name is Angie Howarth and this is about my son and daughter-in-law. They were to be leaving Reno, NV for Iowa for a visit and then will be moving to Boulder, CO where Zach will be pursuing a doctorate in Musical Arts. Zach will be working for the school as well. They had almost finished packing and cleaning and were going to set out on Saturday the 15th. I received a phone call at 2 AM Saturday from Zach. Alison had been riding in a convertible with a friend. That friend lost control, they flipped and landed in the median. She is alive thank goodness but suffered a broken vertebrae at the base of the skull, several large lacerations on the back of her head where bone was showing and it sliced her ear to unrecognizable. She has had two procedures to clean up and stitch the back of her head and her ear. Neither she nor Zach have a job at the moment since they are in the middle of relocating. They are going to have huge medical bills along with the expenses of moving to a new place in a month or so. They are experiencing much stress and anxiety over all of this plus trying to find someplace to live in Boulder eventually when they head there at the end of August. Alison's parents and we give them what we can but unfortunately we can't cover it all for them. Any little bit would be helpful. If you can't give, just reach out on Instagram and let them know you are thinking of them. I know they would really appreciate it! Thank you so much!
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