Hi y'all. Never in a million years would I have thought I would do this, but, I'm in desperate times, and need help (which I'm not good at asking for). It's been a rough couple of years. Starting with having to replace a crown a couple summers ago which desimateed my savings (cost was over $6000), Then, losing my dad, and two different jobs, has put me in some rough financial straights. Now, today, I had another crown fail, and it needs to be replaced sigh....all while trying to catch up from the two jobs that used me, then tossed me aside, and while I'm fighting like crazy to remain positive, I just can't anymore. I do have a great new job, and am very happy there, but my insurance doesn't kick in for another 60 days. I've exhausted loan possibilites, and with the loss of the two jobs, my credit score has taken a huge hit, and no banks or lending institutions will touch me, plus I've already had so much help from all of you already I don't even feel like I should be asking like this. I don't know where else to turn, and I'm thouroughly embarrassed to even be at this point. If you can help, it would be greatly appreciated. If you can't, I totally understand as many of us are in the same boat in these hard times. My hope would be that at some point, I'd be able to pay back what is offered here, but I can't make promisses I don't know that I can keep. Thank you friends and family! Brian
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