Hi my name is Crystal Shifflet and I am ask for help for a wonderful family. This is a family who would give you the shirt off their back or the last dime in their pocket to help you out now is time to help them. Stoney Shifflett Stage 4 renal cell carcinoma Need help with travel & medical expenses He has stage 4 renal cell carcinoma that metastasis to his colon twice. He went to DC for 1 night to have a telehealth appt with a New York Dr to see if they would consider removing his tumor, kidney & infected intestines. However today he passed out in the hotel & was transported to a local hospital that will be doing test, blood transfusions, CT & an endoscopy to track down his bleeding issues. He is now stuck in DC & his sister is stuck at a hotel till at least Thursday. The cost has been phenomenal already with hotel, gas & food.If you could please help this family out by donating it would be greatly appreciated. Prayers for him would also be greatly appreciated as he has a long road ahead of him
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