

My precious son Levi...the fight against Cerebral Palsy. Levi is 10 years old and in the 5th grade. He is so loving and tender-hearted, he brings so much joy to anyone who is around. His smile is pure it's like the warmth of the sun and peace. If he ever smiles at you once, you would want to see his smile every day because it will brighten and uplift you. A few weeks ago after months of trying to get Levi the proper equipment he needs to help him develop properly, we got notified from his physical therapist that he finally was approved to receive the equipment needed. However, he was needing to get re-evaluated by the doctor because they were concerned about how his hip and discomfort level was. After taking him to his pediatric doctor and then a specialist at UNC Hospital, they concluded that his leg was dislocated from his hip and was needing emergency surgery. Levi is such a strong and loving lil man. He has multiple surgeries to do, is going to be in a waist-down cast for 3 months and rehab for an undetermined amount of time; this LFEBridge account is to help with the burden of caring for Levi during this difficult time. Over the next days, weeks and months, there will be countless doctor appointments, hospital stays and surgeries. As you know the normal costs of everyday living...such as rent, food, gas, vehicle, etc...and let's not forget the medical costs can be astronomical. This would give us the ability to concentrate on Levi getting well and giving him what he needs. From the bottom of my heart, I humbly ask that you share this link with friends, family and colleagues and if possible in giving (any amount will help). Thank you for what you do to support. God bless each and every one of you!! Rosemary Baez - Mom

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