The 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb event is a tribute to the 343 firefighters who gave their lives during the tragic events at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. This event is created by two Riverside High School lacrosse players, Connor Kinworthy and Tripp Smith, who saw an opportunity to interact with the surrounding community, help support firefighters in their community, and to give tribute to those who passed away. Participants climb the equivalent of 110 stories - the height of the fallen World Trade Center towers. Each climber is given a badge with the name and photograph of one of the fallen firefighters to symbolically complete the climb with one of the fallen. The stair climb is not a timed race and participants can climb to any desired level. These funds will be used to donate to surrounding 9/11 charities and firefighter stations to give back to the 343 firefighters that gave their lives to help people in need.
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