

It pains me to do this but I have no other option at this point. I’ve been laid off for months now and I really don’t know what to do. I’ve applied for over for 3,000 jobs and trying to see if it’s just more applications or what? I have interviewed everything under the sun calling temp agencies every day and i really don’t know what to do. I get a lot of scam interviews, interviews where I get to the end and get ghosted. Some screenings I’ve gotten say I’m moving to next steps and then I don’t. The rejection emails I have thousands of those. I have redid my resume five times. Trying being more aggressive in interviews, less aggressive, talking more, talking less. Everything!!!! And still I get passed over. As a result of this grueling process me and my kids are facing homelessness, I say that with full shame because I would have never wanted this for my kids. I’ve been homeless for years as a child and promised myself that I would never do this to my kids and look at me now. I am a single mother of four and a very hard worker. I’m just having a bad run and I don’t want it to result is being on the street which might happen in just a few days. If anyone has any to donate I would appreciate it.. this is for all the back bills and rent I owe. Good bless and if I get out of this mess I will be determined to pay it forward to anyone that ever needs help.

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