

Having been a traumatized 21-year-old single mother, I’ve felt the benefit firsthand from those who helped me when I wasn’t sure I could make it. The right kind of help, at the right time not only saved my life but literally transformed it... so I devoted my life to paying it forward to help others who like me... had all kinds of TRAUMA inside. I’m Sonya Sophia and I'm raising money to build a healing center to help people who like me, were living on the edge and at their wit's end. I’ve devoted my life to helping people heal from what happened to them. Why? Because I see that TRAUMA along with CULTURAL CONDITIONING, has brought the world to the brink. As we each heal, what’s happened to us, we have the ability to become who we were TRULY meant to be. As we become our true selves, we begin to REIMAGINE and REDESIGN a world that is fun, functional, clean, safe, inclusive, and LOVING! People who love themselves and feel worthy of love would never create a toxic world for themselves right?? I’ve spent the last 34 years of my life studying the healing arts and found Emotional Freedom Technique, (EFT) helps people heal emotional wounds that they thought were impossible to heal. I learned EFT in 2004 and started helping people with it immediately. Then letters like these started coming in every week... "I tapped for the first time yesterday, It was so powerful, it lead to helping heal my childhood and a very abusive relationship I chose to be in. Which was a blessing, because now I see that relationship was a mirror of my childhood." - Kay S. "The compassion and kindness radiating from you soothed and made me feel so safe. I felt I felt most gratitude I had ever felt for myself before - I'm overwhelmed with gratitude.” - Lee K . "Hi Sonya, Sooooooo grateful for your consistency, wisdom, and courage to keep showing up for us. Released an ocean of tears, been holding my sister in the hospital for the past 3 months, and your circle gives me private space to release and nourish myself. Bless your beautiful heart, love, Trish D. " ❤️ What is EFT? See the video by my EFT teacher Stanford University engineer - Gary Craig EFT has been researched in more than 10 countries, by more than 60 investigators, whose results have been published in more than 20 different peer-reviewed journals. These include distinguished top-tier journals such as: The Journal of Clinical Psychology, the APA journals Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, and Review of General Psychology, and the oldest psychiatric journal in North America, the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. EFT research includes investigators affiliated with many different institutions. In the US, these range from Harvard Medical School to the University of California at Berkeley, to City University of New York, to Walter Reed Military Medical Center, to Texas A&M University, to JFK University. Institutions in other countries whose faculty have contributed to EFT research include Staffordshire University (United Kingdom), Lund University (Sweden), Ankara University (Turkey), Santo Tomas University (Philippines), Lister Hospital (England), Cesar Vallejo University (Peru), Bond University (Australia), and Griffith University (Australia). Because Tapping improved my life so dramatically. I set out to help as many people as I could as quickly as possible. I saw that everyone needed what I needed... to learn how to unconditionally love, accept and forgive themselves. And... that doing this was HEALING! To me, it was Divine LOVE that was really doing the work, and I still believe that to this day. ❤️ One way I've been able to help a lot of folks with very little income is through broadcasting the World Tapping Circle every Monday for the last 9 years. SEE: I especially like to help young people, community builders, parents, (and those who will become parents) heal what happened in their families. This way the cycles of pain and abuse don’t get passed down to the next generation! I believe that all the damage in this world comes from TRAUMA being passed down, from generation to generation. Hurt people, hurting people - creating a toxic and unsafe environment for everyone involved. Realizing this, I set out to help this world become a MORE LOVING, SAFE and HEALTHY place to be. And this fundraiser is all about helping take it to the NEXT level! ❤️ We NEED a permanent place to help people heal. A place we can SERVE to our fullest capacity for the rest of our lives. We want to help SO MANY MORE PEOPLE and with your help and encouragement, we soon will! We can't afford to spend another $34K for 24 days a year to teach on someone else’s land, in a rustic pavilion. We've managed to train hundreds of EFT practitioners over the last 20 years however, the need for EFT is far too great now to keep doing it that way. As I get older (I just had my 56th birthday on July 12, 2024) I'm not as inclined to travel from place to place all the time teaching in random locations. ❤️ We need a home base to keep growing this deeply healing work. ❤️ I am committed to leaving a LEGACY of LOVE behind when I go, and to do this I'm asking for your help. People have said to charge more money for this work - but I just CAN'T stomach asking for outrageous sums of money to share this simple healing technique! EFT IS FOR EVERYONE not just for more affluent folks. I want this healing work to be within reach of those who need it the most. If Gary Craig (the inventor of EFT) had charged me a small fortune to learn it, I wouldn't have been able to heal myself. I'd have probably ended my life years ago. Since the pandemic, the need for more mental health care is off the charts. We want to help meet that need in a hands-on way ASAP. ❤️ LEAP OF FAITH - We are buying land. A beautiful place to hold retreats, workshops, summer camps for families, and EFT Practitioner Training. I've put all of my savings into getting us this far and have nothing but time, love, and skill to give. But I do have FAITH! Faith that this is the right thing to do. Faith that good people want this goodness to happen! ❤️ THE HEALING CENTER • 45 min to Austin and AUS International Airport • Utilities enabled (city water, electric, septic, roads, wifi) • 3 ponds (full of fish) • Wildlife habitat (deer, hawks, frogs, fox, raccoons, and butterflies) • Freshwater well to dig (situated on 2nd largest aquifer in Texas) • 2 livable cabins (for initial HQ set up) • No building permits are needed to build • Outbuildings in place (sheds, carports, barn, storage) • Trees, trees, trees (1 huge oak tree is over 900 yrs old!) • Plantable fields and usable pastures for horses • The next-door 40-acre organic farm is super supportive of us • Exclusively available (through private sale) till Sept 14, 2024. ❤️ THE NUMBERS: 1M to buy a perfectly positioned 37.4-acre piece of land + 1M to build it into a fully functional healing center by next April 2024. FYI, this land will be put into a land trust, so it will always stay aligned with this mission, never to be sold off in bits and pieces. We are under contract on it already and will close on Sept 14, 2024. To date, we have raised $150,000. privately from people whose lives we’ve touched deeply. Just 50K short of our down payment. So now I'm encouraged to reach out and ask for help bringing in the rest so we can build over the winter and host our first EFT Practitioner Training on the new land in April 2024. More about my practitioner training HERE. ❤️ FYI your contribution is tax-deductible, as it will go to the Sophia Wisdom Foundation - a nonprofit started in 2024. The aim is to pay the land off upfront, so we don't waste money on interest or have to raise prices in order to meet a $ 7,000-a-month mortgage (plus land insurance) payment. ❤️ With your help we can keep making EFT Tapping available to young and old alike and still support our TEAM LOVE to do the good work! ❤️ WHAT YOUR CONTRIBUTION COVERS: • 2 cabins repair + furnishing • Repair of 1 septic system • More electricity poles • Installing Internet • Gravel for a parking lot • 2 more roads • Managing water drainage on land • Electric gate • Tree trimming • Commercial kitchen • Dining pavilion • Showers • Restrooms • Repairing 2 docks • 2 large event space domes + furnishings • Sound system • Lighting for domes and roads • Maintenance • Drilling a well • Bunkhouse for guests • 7 small meditation domes for retreat use • Riding lawnmower • Renovating barn • Renovating old farmhouse into performance space • 3 horses for equine therapy • Landscaping with edible plants + food forest • Fencing + Security • 3 golf carts • Signage • Staffing costs • Scholarship funds for single parents, low-income, and people of color ❤️ TIMING: We have till Sept 14 to raise 1M then we'll need 1M more to build out the healing center as described above. YES, it is a big project and YES we’re ready, willing, and able to hold it in a way that will MAKE YOU PROUD to have contributed! Thank you again, dear reader, for taking the time to read all of this! ❤️ May you be blessed for all that you give, whether it be to us or anyone else. ~ In Love and Service, Sonya Sophia

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