Hi, my name is Renee Brown. As a friend of the Stookey family, this LFEBridge account has been created on thier behalf as a memorial for their beloved, Zech Stookey. Funds raised here will be used for the final expenses and memorial for Zech. Please consider giving your gift of a donation as soon as you are able, The memorial service and funeral are today. Let me take a moment to express my great sorrow at this heartbreaking occasion, as I mourn the loss of a beautiful young life filled with potential, and the pain his amazing family is not deserving of. This family is known for always helping others in any way they are able, feeding all those around them both with food and with the word of God, giving kindness and shelter, council and wisdom, bearing the burdens of others, celebrating and worshiping in fellowship with kindrid spirits. An unthinkable loss, I am thankful we can all come along side this family and give them our support in this time of need. Thank you so very much for coming to the LFEBridge memorial for Zech, I am grateful for each of you! My heart overflows seeing how beloved Zech and his family are to you!Blessings,Renee
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