

Hi, Everyone! I am JD, a longtime friend of a family in serious need. Breanna and her small children are struggling even though she is working two jobs. Her husband, James, recently passed away at age 42 following a number of illnesses, a result of Type 1 Diabetes that was very difficult to control as some cases are. Breanna was his caregiver to the end, now finds her little family in emergency mode as she tries to do all she can as a single parent. She has resorted to selling clothes from her closet to make ends meet and still has monthly bills unmet, plus medical costs accrued during James' serious health needs and funeral related costs. All while grieving the love of her life. Any funds will go into my account as Breanna does not have one nor means to open one, and every cent will be given to Breanna personally in check form. Any amount you can share will add food to the family table, it is this dire. Breanna is aware of this Go Fund Me page, and all our hopes are high that many will help her who may themselves understand what she is going through. We all have been in a dark place at times. Again, any amount is deeply appreciated from the heart! Thank you so very, very much!

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