Hey friends! We are excited to announce that we are trying to grow our family through embryo adoption! It’s been set on our hearts to try and fulfill what scripture says in James 1:27, “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” We have been praying for months and seeking counsel as we tried to navigate the best avenue for growing our family, and embryo adoption felt like the right fit. It is our hope to help bring another child into our home to raise in the Lord. We have always wanted a large family, and feel like the Lord is leading us in this endeavor. For those who do not know what embryo adoption is, it is taking the remaining embryos from another couple who went through IVF and have completed their family. These remaining embryos are often referred to as “snowflake babies”. Many embryos remain unused and ultimately thawed and thrown away. Adopting an embryo will allow us the opportunity to physically carry and deliver the baby. Ultimately it gives an opportunity for a baby to grow in a womb instead of being left unused, never given the chance to live. Although this route is “cheaper” than traditional adoption, it still can be quite costly. Because the law looks at embryo donation as a “property transfer”, getting a grant for this type of adoption is very difficult. We have been fervently praying about this and had the opportunity to meet with our local fertility clinic to discuss if we would be candidates for embryo adoption. We’ve received clearance from them and have officially been put on their waitlist for an embryo. We know that the concept of adopting embryos is fairly unheard of, so we are happy to answer any questions about it! We are putting our faith in the Lord and trust that all will be done according to His will, but we are reaching out through this platform for support in this venture. Not only financial support, but prayers as well! The costs to pursue this adoption, although completely worth it, are quickly adding up for all that’s involved in this process, both medically and legally. We trust that the Lord will provide in one way or another as we continue on this path of pursuing LIFE for these precious little ones. Please help us in our efforts to bring a child into a Christian home. If you'd like to partner with us to this end, we'd be so grateful! Nathan and Brittany Wolfe
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