

I had temporary custody of my niece and nephew since the beginning of 2024 to stop them from going into the foster care system. December of 2024 there were allegations made against me that I did not follow the safety plan. The children were removed December 13, 2024. The foster care worker and her supervisor informed me during the TDM(team decision meeting) that the children would be removed and depending upon the findings of the CPS case the children would be placed back with me. In January of 2024 I was informed by the CPS worker that the investigation was closed due to them not being able to substantiate the claims due to a lack of evidence. I then called the Private agency to know my next steps in getting the children back and the supervisor told me that "they were not considering placing the children back with me due to their concerns". I mentioned that the concerns were not substantiated and she said it didn't matter. I contacted the assistant director of the private agency and had a meeting with her to discuss the concerns and placement of the children. She informed me that she would have licensing come back out to do a reassessment of my home for placement and try to set up visits with the children (because at this point, I have not seen the children in 4 months). After reaching back out to her she then requested for licensing to come to do a reassessment, licensing then reach out a month later and came to do the assessment. After 9 days of me not hearing anything back from the assistant director or licensing, the licensing worker called me and asked "Hi, Ms. Robinson, I was calling to see if you were home so I can come and pick up the rest of the childrens belongings. I then asked "what happened to the reassessment", she said "Oh, I am so sorry, it totally slipped my mind, I've been so busy, I should've taken their things while I was out there." After realizing what she had done she continued to apologize and hung up, the very next day she mailed out the reassessment letter (I know because of the stamped date on the envelope from the post office) and inside the letter she stated she does not recommend placement, she states that she doesn't feel I can properly keep the children safe and that I don't have the best interest of the kid's. I went from being 26 and single (no children) , to raising 2 children (one which was a newborn) to keep these kids safe and out of the system. I have changed my entire life for them. I was informed that in order for me to keep Jeremiah and Gabrielle I would have to have a 3 bedroom home by the time he was 2 (December 29,2024) so they could have their own rooms, I moved in my home September of 2024. Gabrielle was in gymnastics and swim. Jeremiah was in daycare across the street from my nail salon. I did everything I could to give those kids the best life. I need your help with securing an attorney so I can fight this system the correct way. I appreciate everyone who has shared, commented, sent encouraging words, and the love. Thank you from the bottom of my Heart. mm

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