Willie is a Bermudan international footballer who played for us at Braintree Town last season before suffering a nasty injury rupturing his ACL, buckled his PCL and sprained MCL not forgetting a torn meniscus & infrapatellar contusion. Now injury at any level of football is hard on anyone, especially the player who just wants to play. But in non-league it can be so much more than in the professional game due to the lack of funding and long NHS waiting lists that prevent a player from getting back to do what they love. Most Non-league footballers also have day jobs to help supplement their football etc and in Willie's case, this was no different. But sustaining this injury then put pressure on Willie whose job was in printing so was on his feet all day. This has not helped the injury and the pain at times became unbearable and he had to leave his job to find something else to suit. Willie has been out of Football since March 2024 and has been told he has at least a 14-month wait just for the consultation.....14 MONTHS !!!! So as fans of football and wanting to see Willie back playing as soon as possible we want to try and assist as much as we can to raise funds quoted at approx 20K so Willie can go private and not have to wait so long to get back doing what he loves to do and ask anyone for donations no matter how small towards this. I know from speaking to Willie how thankful he and his family would be to everyone that will support this cause. A couple of links above show Willies footballing skills as well as an interview held @BraintreeTownFC to get to know him more. Much Love
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