Hi. My name is Karla and I am number five of five. The youngest of the bunch, the baby some may say but I am now 37 and never thought I'd be typing this right now. But here I am. My sisters Michelle, Imelda, Brandy and my brother Robby are reaching far and wide for help. Memorial Day weekend my mom was admitted into the ER with extreme stomach pain. After multiple tests, surgery was scheduled for the next morning because she had a baseball-sized mass in her colon. That day we were notified that part of her stomach was removed, part of her colon as well as her spleen. They had to reroute her insides for her to not have a colostomy bag. Which was great but also meant that the surgery was one of the more drastic approaches and left her in ICU for weeks with a stage 4 diagnosis. This is where we are now. We are preparing for chemo, appointments, life as it is now and care. Our mom is 70 and has 5 kids of her own but throughout her life in Dallas, Tx our mom has not only cared for but helped raise some of our children, as well as many families in the Dallas area in a business she started when I was 9 years old. Our mom cared for children through pain, tears, sweat and extreme fatigue but never stopped being a village for many families. She worked until she was admitted and still tried to make her business a priority. But now the "village" is down and we need all the help we can get. She is currently at home with my sister Imelda who is also still dealing with her breast cancer treatments so even care is needed because she can not do it. Prayers mostly but also financial help as we never expected to be standing in the middle of a doorway. A doorway of life and loss. My mom has her first oncology consultation in hopes she can begin treatment on July 31st. Our mom's business was the only income she had. This means that any treatments, medical bills, food, bills, etc. are all out of pocket. If you can help in any way, we would gladly appreciate it. We thank you. Please keep us in your prayers. Update: we were able to start chemo on 9/20/23 to get my mom more time with us, hopefully years. I hope to continue to keep you all updated.
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