As some of you may already be aware our beautiful cousin Emily has been battling stage 5 kidney disease for almost 4 years and it’s been quite a tumultuous and testing journey for her. You may know our Emily for her incredible artworks and her vibrant personality. She is the kind of person that has a lot of love, understanding and compassion to give to those around her. We’ve been so proud of her for staying strong during this time, it has not been easy to say the least. With many set backs, hospital admissions and medical appointments - it’s been both physically and mentally exhausting. Due to her health, Emily hasn’t had the ability to work which has incurred debt and financial hardship. Not having any of her own income yet needing to pay the added expenses involving treatment, medications, travel costs, specialist appointments and psychology sessions - all this on top of essential living expenses such as food, rent and bills. She is also needing to find a new home to rent this year as her current home will be exiting off the National Renters Affordability Scheme (NRAS) in a few months - this means she will no longer be able to afford the rental price and needs to relocate somewhere more affordable. Having a home is important to us all and for Emily who does dialysis at home 4 days a week, having a home is vital for her health and wellbeing - she’s made it so far already to be home, completing over 3 months of hemodialysis training so she can do this life saving treatment at home and out of the hospital We hope she can continue focusing on her health and dialysis treatment until she is able to get a transplant. She is currently 10th on the transplant list with Monash health but has been advised it’s unlikely she will have a transplant in the next 12 months - so she still has quite some time ahead of her to wait. Emily still has a difficult time ahead and thought by relieving her of debt and covering the added expenses of moving we can help lighten the load so she has one less stress to worry about and can focus on maintaining her health. It is also key that she maintain her health so she can remain eligible and active on the transplant list. Emily always takes time to understand and support others and we wanted to return the favour during this difficult time. She has so much more life to live ❤️ We would love to see her continue creating beautiful and inspiring works, getting back to her studies in youth and social work - back to her happy healthy self so let’s help her get there! Our aim is to raise $15,000 - this would eliminate all her debt and help with the added costs of moving home. No matter how big or small, any donations would mean the world to us and Emily Help us support Emily on the road to recovery, much love! Brigit and Mikaela ❤️
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