

I was diagnosed with diabetes (Type1) when I was 13 yrs old.  No one knows why type 1 diabetes happens it just does... to some kids.  As a teenager I knew kidney failure in my future; you see insulin, which I need to inject daily to stay alive, has the pecular side-effect of damaging kidneys. - I just always thought I wouldn't have to worry about a kidney transplant or dialysis treatment until I was much older, retired, maybe even a grandmother. I was wrong.  I always took care of myself, but after a couple of what almost anyone would consider minor medical emergencies earlier this year my kidneys began to shut down (from the stress).  My end-stage renal disease brought on a "small" stroke.  Today, I am doing dialysis 3 times per week.  I am thankful for my friends and family.  I'm not giving up.  I know in 6 months, if I don't have another stroke, my sister or my husband will donate one of their kidneys and I'll be up & around, out & about again!  I know I will be fine. In the meantime, I can't work and won't be able to for at least the next couple of months.  We have gone through our savings; disability is taking some time to start; and the medical bills, even with insurance, are piling-up.  We're trying to raise $5,000 to help us get by for the next few months, the money will go towards medical bills not covered by insurance.  We have always worked.  Thankfully, we have always been lucky enough that we could help others.  Although, I know we will be o.k. in the long-run right now we are in a really tough spot.  We are starting to fall behind with bills and everything else and things could get really bad really soon.  We need help.  If you can help, anything would be appreciated.  We just need a helping hand so we can make it through this rough patch.  Thanks for reading and for considering helping out.Vero

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