

Hola mi nombre es Carly, en esta ocasion solicito su colaboracion para poder ayudar a mi mama de crianza a reconstruir su casa. Su nombre es Maria Corcino, tiene 71 años de edad y vive en Santo Domingo. Las condiciones de vida son inhabitables ya que su "casa" se está cayendo a pedazos. Actualmente su piso es de tierra, y sus paredes son de madera (rotas). Ayudemos a que tenga una mejor vejez! Hizo mucho por mi cuando era pequena y quiero que pueda dormir tranquila el tiempo que le queda de vida ya que sufre de diabetes y tiene una pierna en mal estado. Es una persona sumamente humilde y de muy buen corazon siempre dispuesta a ayudar al projimo. Adjunto dejo unas fotos donde muestra las condiciones existente de la casa. Las personas que viven en Santo Domingo si pueden aportar materiales en lugar de apoyo monetario, por favor escribanme directo al [phone redacted] para coordinar. Hello everyone, I am Carly Muniz and I come to you asking for help to assist in rebuilding a house for a woman who is like a mother to me. She helped my mom raise me from the day I was born until today. Her name is Maria Corcino and is 71 yrs old. Maria resides in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. At this time her house is not up to the standards for someone to live a healthy life since the house is falling apart one piece at a time. Inside the home, the floors are made out of dirt and the walls are made out of broken and moldy wood. Help me help my mom have a better house as she gets older so she can enjoy the last few years that God has for her. She did so much for me when as a child I can only hope to repay her with a little token such as a roof over her head. I want her to sleep soundly and enjoy the rest of her time on this earth. She’s currently diabetic and is losing one of her legs due to her condition. Mami is a very humble person with an amazing heart and her priority has always been to help others. I’ll attach some current pictures of my Mom's house as of now. Anything you can help with would be amazingly appreciated. Thank you and God Bless you

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