

Hello, Friends. I am Michael Curlee's fiance, Molly. On April 11, 2024, I took Michael to the ER for acute pain in his upper back near his spine. He was admitted to the hospital, and it was discovered that he had a life-threatening blood sugar level that caused diabetic ketoacidosis, DKA. However, this was not the cause of the pain in his back. He then had heart failure and was sent to a larger hospital with cardiac specialists. After many tests, including a spinal tap, Michael was diagnosed with a rare infection called Bacterial Meningitis which puts pressure on the brain and spine. A 10-week antibiotic regimen was immediately started to fight the infection situated right on Michael's spinal cord. As the infection got worse, it caused him paralyzation from the waist down. He was completely unable to use his legs and feet. Emergency surgery was conducted to remove the mass in hopes of restoring his ability to use his lower body and ability to walk. After the removal of the sack of infection that had attached itself to Michael's spinal cord, it was then time to heal. Finally, we were aware of all that needed to be addressed: Diabetes, Heart Failure, Bacterial Meningitis, and Spinal Cord Injury. Michael was and continues to be determined to get better. After a long stay in the hospital and then the rehabilitation center, Michael is home. There are many days when he questions whether he should have been released. He is still battling the effects of each illness with medications, outpatient physical therapy, tests, scans, and doctor visits. Daily life for Michael has changed forever. He is unable to function independently and cannot work at all. He has been out of work since March 2024 and does not have health insurance because he was self-employed. While there are many programs to help financially, there is a waiting period of three to 12 months before assistance begins. Michael is still going to many doctors for follow-ups, treatments, therapy, and tests. We are so grateful to God that he has come this far, but he is still only at the beginning of his journey. It is because of this that I am asking for your financial support and prayers to Care for Curlee and help Michael heal. **It is also very helpful to SHARE this with others. We appreciate any of the ways you choose to help!** Thank you for all of your prayers, donations, and shares as we continue to Care for Curlee!

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