

Johannes from the very youth she dedicated her life in the full time service as a regular pioneer so as to share a life- saving message to people of her community. It's s a message based on the fulfillments of God's promises for the obedient mankind. She's been taking part in this sacred service for almost 36 years . Unfortunately, last Monday on July 24 , while preaching the good news, she turned around after inviting a bystander to worldwide campaign, she didn't notice a long iron beam on the street,she tipped over and fell down abruptly, she got a pelvic fracture as a consequence. Due to this , she needs to be operated urgently. The surgery has to take place in the following days, otherwise Johannes will be at risk to go through cerebral thrombosis causing her death. Johannes is 58 years old. She lives in Caracas - Venezuela ,she is where there is a poor health condition. Public hospitals are not equipped enough to carry out this kind of pelvic prothesis . For this reason, we are appealing to your compassion and loving concern to help this faithful God 's servant to get back on her knees. Whatever contribution may help us to reach our goal to provide a timely solution before her condition get worse . We know we can count on you. We are hopeful to get enough money to cover her rehabilitation. We appreciate you' ve taken the time to read our desperate situation and take action. _________________________________________ Johannes, desde su juventud se ha dedicado al servicio voluntario para compartir con las personas un mensaje que cambia vidas, un mensaje lleno de esperanza. Mensaje que durante 36 años ha llevado a la práctica basado en promesas biblicas. El lunes pasado, 24 de Julio, Johannes sufrió una aparatosa caida mientras realizaba su servicio, esto resultó en una fractura subcapital de la cabeza femoral izquierda; angulada. Debido a esto, amerita una intervención quirúrgica urgente, de no ser así, se corre el riesgo de muerte por trombosis. Johannes, de 58 años, actualmente vive en Venezuela, Caracas. Y las condiciones del sector público en salud no permiten realizar esta operación debido al deterioro y falta de insumos. Por ello, solicitamos tu cálida ayuda, culaquier aporte que puedas dar, será un granito de arena para alcanzar nuestra meta y que no empeore su situación. Sabemos que podemos contar con tu ayuda, esperamos poder luego cubrir su rehabilitación con tu colaboración. De antemano, gracias por haberte tomado el tiempo de leer acerca de nuestra situación y preocuparte.

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