Hi, my name is Savannah, I am Ty’s cousin. On July 17th, Ty was in an ATV accident and was airlifted to Rochester due to his injuries. Ty has a long road of recovery ahead of him. Ty has a broken nose, broken sinus cavity, both orbit sockets are fractured, both cheeks are fractured, and his right jaw is fractured. He has a Pseudo aneurysm they need to fix from his neck to his C1 which has a fracture that will need surgery. Ty will use these funds for medical bills and personal expenses due to the recovery time that he is looking at. If you would like to follow along here is the caring bridge link where updates are shared. https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/tyleiding/journal/view/id/64b64f26c94e7b0d0e4b80f0?mibextid=Zxz2cZ Thank you for all of the support and outreach. Ty’s family greatly appreciates all of the support❤️ If you rather donate directly you can Venmo Ty’s sister Hailey at Hailey-Leiding or donate directly to Ty’s donation bank account at Famers State Bank in Trimont!
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