Hi, My name is Kari Boatner. I am setting up this Go Fund Me for Troy White so that he can get an alternative medical treatment to help with his ALS also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. For those of you that are unfamiliar with ALS it is a very progressive disease that takes away a person’s quality of life very quickly. Troy served all of us as a police officer and now is unable to be able to continue with his civil service. We appreciate your service Troy!! Troy was diagnosed in 2024 and since his diagnosis, he has gone from a man full of vitality to a very unstable and debilitating form of life. Lou Gehrig’s disease is a rare neurological disease that affects motor neurons—those nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control voluntary muscle movement. Voluntary muscles are those we choose to move to produce movements like chewing, walking, and talking. Since Troy’s diagnosis, he has lost the ability to speak, swallow, and choking has become a normal part of his everyday struggles. He also is having balance issues and is losing his ability to use his upper limbs. We are trying to raise $25,000 so Troy can get help using an alternative medical treatment for ALS which will improve his day-to-day quality of life. We and Troy would be truly grateful if anyone could help him with his day-to-day struggles by donating to his treatment. Thank you and God Bless.
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