

In September, Tre was diagnosed with a brain tumor that caught us all off-guard. After several MRI's and tests, doctors decided the plan of action would be to surgically have it removed. On October 26th, through the mighty power of God and the great doctors at MD Anderson in Houston, the tumor was succesfully removed and God proved faithful as the tumor was declared benign.Many know that Tre is such a blessing to us all and always puts others first and loves to make us all laugh. Even in the moments right before and after surgery, he was cracking jokes and asking how he could help US out.Many people will say "God will never give us more than we can handle." But a good friend told me that it's the opposite. He always gives us beyond what we can handle so that we have no choice but to turn to Him in times of need such as this. And when we do, He shows His love, mercy and faithfullness in the best way that glorifies Him and His will.Now that the surgery is done, Tre is back home and the recovery process must begin. There will be many more MRI's and follow up appointments to come over the next several years as well as vision impairment that Tre will also need treatment for.There are also the medical bills that will be extremely tough to be taken care of without any help. In all of this, we ask for your help in any way possible. We ask for prayers beyond anything as God is capable of ALL things beyond anything anyone can contribute. As uncomfortable as it can be sometimes, we also must ask for any financial support you can give as Tre and his family will have a hard road in front of them.Thank you all for your continued prayers and may God bless you all.Psalms 33:20-22 - Our soul waits for the LORD; he is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us, even as we hope in you-Trav

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