Let's show my parents they've got this. They were and are always the ones to help others, so if we could help them in this time of need, they would be very appreciative and it would be very helpful. Please share❤️ My Mom and Dad continue to have a positive outlook, but the financial strain is weighing heavy. Dad continues to deal with many health issues that Mom doesn't share or discuss as they continue on this exhausting rollercoaster of a nightmare. Dad will be starting radiation every day for 6 weeks. He must also continue with many specialist appointments, therapy, follow-up appointments, and possibly more surgeries. We are hopeful to do a fundraiser in the future, but for right now, any help would be benficial for medical costs, travel expenses, co-pays that add up weekly for his medication, therapy, and appointments. As they start the radiation process, the care of my Dad and my Mom as the caregiver is most important and I wish that this is all they had to worry about. Hopefully, this will help relieve some stress and tension in the weeks to come. Thank you so much to everyone who has helped our family and please pray that the medical professionals are able to stabilize the area and stop the growth of the tumor.
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