

hello! if you're here you presumably know who i am but just in case: i'm james, i'm a trans person getting top surgery on August 2nd who needs a lil help covering expenses & is seeking some community support in that regard. i've been planning for this surgery for about a year and am really excited to have my chest look more like i want it to! i've been binding my chest consistently for about 7 years and it's taken a big toll on my health and quality of life. top surgery will allow me to breathe more easily, do manual labor (for a living!) more safely, wear the clothes i want to wear (if you've met me, you know this one's essential lol), and increase my feelings of gender safety. i'm very excited for the quality of life improvements this surgery will offer me. getting this surgery in is both great timing for me lifewise and poor timing for me financially! i've been struggling to find consistent work over the past 6mos and don't quite have the resources to simultaneously swing a couple months off work and medical bills right now. i was expecting to schedule the surgery for a little later in the year, but for reasons related to the crumbling state of the us medical system was encouraged by my surgeon to schedule it ASAP. i ended up with just a lil over a month's notice about this major surgery, and while i'm confident it's the right timing for me, i could use some help making it less financially painful. these funds will help me with living expenses while being unable to work during recovery from surgery (1-2 months+) with buying supplies for surgery & recovery to help me recover fully and quickly with transit costs getting to & from medical appts (i won't be able to drive for a bit) with any (un)expected medical bills related to surgery & follow up appointments thanks so much for being part of my support system && get ready to see my glorious spaghetti-strap-wearing-era coming soon to a summer near you **** if you're local to philly and would like to be part of my IRL support network, please reach out to get the link to sign up to bring me a meal, drive me around, etc!

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