

Hello my name is Jhostin Gomez, 9 months ago on November 5th of last year my father Luis Gomez (the baby) suffered a heart attack, My mother woke me up running at 10am to take my father to the emergency room, she took my father to the emergency room without knowing what was happening, when the doctors told us that he suffered a heart attack but we arrived on time.... After a catheterization, my father suffered a second heart attack in the hospital, they managed to stabilize him until they tried to color him a pacemaker, in the practice of the pacemaker my father's heart was punctured, immediately causing an arrhythmia that led to a cardiac arrest where I had to be resuscitated by CPR, after this my father's life was on the ropes, leaving family members devastated, my father was artificially sustained with breathing machines, machines for his heart, dialysis, his heart is at 15%. My father was bedridden for 8 months, thanks to God and the faith of family and friends my father is still alive. My father is receiving physical & occupational therapy to become a child again. We are waiting for a heart transplant, My father was the breadwinner, it has been 9 months that it has been just me and my mom alone dealing with the household expenses, when my father receives his transplant my mother will have to stop working and I will have to take over alone. I only ask for the collaboration of all those who love my father and help me. Hola mi nombre es Jhostin Gomez, hace 9 meses el 5 de Noviembre del año pasado mi padre Luis Gomez (el nene) sufrió un infarto, Mi madre me despertó corriendo a las 10am para que llevara mi papa a urgencias, llevo a mi padre a urgencias sin saber que estaba pasando, cuando los medicos nos dicen que sufrió un infarto pero llegamos a tiempo… Luego de un cateterismo, mi padre sufrió un segundo infarto en el hospital, lograron estabilizarlo hasta que intentaron colorarle un marcapasos, en la practica del marcapasos a mi padre le pincharon el corazón, provocándole inmediatamente una arritmia que lo llevo a un paro cardiaco donde tuve que ser reanimado por CPR, luego de esto la vida de mi padre estaba entre la cuerdas, dejando a los familiares devastados, mi padre era sostenido artificialmente con maquinas para respirar, maquinas para su corazón, diálisis, su corazón esta en 15%. Mi padre estuvo 8 meses en cama, gracias a dios y a la fe de los familiares y amigos mi padre sigue vivo. Mi padre esta recibiendo terapia física & ocupacional para volver a ser un mismo nene. Estamos esperando un transplante de corazón, Mi padre era el sostén de la casa, hace 9 meses que somos yo mi mama solos lidiando con los gastos de la casa, cuando mi padre reciba su transplante mi madre tendrá que dejar de trabajar y tendré que asumir solo. Solo pido la colaboración de todos los que quieren a mi papa y me ayuden a que sea el mismo nene.

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