I was hesitant on starting this “go fund me” because my brother is a very private person. My brother Greg is a religious man who understands, God will provide. I know God will provide and he works in mysterious ways, I did; however, feel compelled to start this fund for help and if not help, at least some extra prayers. They are good people. Greg has recently starting talking about his disability and opening up about the struggles he’s having, not only depression but financially. My brother has a beautiful, strong, humble wife Beth, three amazing young children and a surprise on the way. A back drop of his misfortunate he recently put on Facebook: “I had multiple back surgeries, I am in constant pain every second of everyday. The pain shoots down the back of my leg and a burning pain down the front of my leg. I also can not feel my left foot at all so I must walk with a cane or walker. August 7th I am having a test called a discogram, for those that do not know this test they stick you with needles and put pressure on your discs to see which one of the discs is the problem. The test is extremely painful as they purposely put pressure on these discs until the pain is shown... After this test I will be having another fusion. I am truly praying that this will be my last surgery. Now what most of you don't know is that this injury happened at work and I am in a workman's comp battle. I have had absolutely zero income for months now. I was supposed to have a hearing in July but it got continued until August and now I am told that it is being continued once again until at the very least late September early October. I have gone through my savings paying my bills these past few months but sadly we are almost completely out of money for our mortgage and other bills. I am asking if you would all pray that this hearing would come sooner rather than later so I can get my back pay. I am also waiting for my ssi disability to start but they said that can take around 6 months. I really hate posting this personal stuff on here but I really need you prayer warriors to pray for me. Thank you for listening and God bless you all”
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