

THIS IS THE 4TH YEAR!!!! The Story: For years, each December I ride to and from my job in the city to Sandgate in my Santa suit. Every Christmas eve from about 5pm until 10pm I ride the streets just hoping to make some kids Christmas as they look out their window and see Santa riding a motorbike. The Plan: This year and in coming years, I'm hoping to do something special. Not only am I going to ride around in my Santa suit again, but on Christmas eve, I want to fill a backpack with small gifts that I'll deliver to random houses in Brisbane. I'm going to put $200 of my own money to begin with, to buy boxed, none gender specific toys under the value of $10, wrap them in gift wrap with a note and deliver them on my ride to front doors all over Brisbane. Last year I raised over $4000 which was about 500 gifts! Here is where you come in. By donating any money, you are giving a gift to a random household in Brisbane somewhere, delivered by the Motorbike Santa. The more money raised, the more gifts I buy, the more households get a gift. Exactly what the money will go to: This is the prefered option As far as toys go, LEGO is a great option for age, gender, replayability and specifically, it's boxed, waterproof(outside of the packaging) and a standard small size. It can be bought in large amounts, wrapped easily and fits the suitability of what I'm trying to do. So for the $200 I'm going to start with, I'll be able to buy 27 of these items and enough wrapping paper and tape to wrap all of them. I plan to wrap them myself mostly but if this takes off I have a small team of volunteer friends that will help me wrap the presents. The Magic at Christmas: With all the presents wrapped, I will then take my backpack, Santa suit and ride on Christmas eve as I do and deliver to households at random until my bag is empty. If I happen to get enough gifts that my backpack can't take them all, I will advise my volunteers to take a number of wrapped gifts to their house and I will collect from them once my bag is empty and continue to spread the joy. What about.... What happens if you have so many gifts you can't deliver them all on Christmas eve? My volunteers that have motorbikes will come to my assistance in delivering the gifts. What's in it for you? I'm Santa this is what I do, making people happy is a passion of mine. Besides, I'm riding around on a motorbike in a Santa suit, I may as well go the whole way and deliver some gifts. What's the note going to say? Merry Christmas, you have received this gift at random by The Real Santa Project Brisbane. If your household doesn't have any children to share this gift with please consider donating it to a family member or neighbour that does or donating it to charity. The Real Santa Project Brisbane was started this year by a guy that loves to spread the joy of Christmas and Santa to everyone. Please consider donating to the cause at...The Real Santa Project Brisbane I'll be adding QR codes to the note as well. Finally..... Consider donating, every dollar I raise here will go into the project and the story will be updated on facebook and instagram. I'll also be making a small google site for it soon. Funds raised will be regularly withdrawn and spent on click and collect orders from retailers selling the prefered gift, wrapping paper and tape when needed. I'm hoping that the final funds will drop the weekend before Christmas so I have enough time to organise the last lot of gifts. I'll be holding a wrapping party if the project explodes on a weekend close to Christmas if you would like to volunteer. Location and date TBA.

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