On the morning of July 25th 2024 a tragic fire happened at a family home. They lost almost everything with it and now need some help to start over. Thankfully Mr Geoff Navarrette and his wife have 3 beautiful children are safe but now lost their home.The family whose home was seriously damaged Tuesday morning, already had some major health issues, and now must deal with the aftermath of a fire: Relatives ask they could really use gas cards, restaurant gift cards, gift cards, as on top of losing their home, their middle child, son Phoenix, has upcoming surgery on Aug. 10th @ Childrens' Hosp. in L.A. to implant a cath in his chest for a double-sided heart disorder issue. It would help them tremendously to not have gas, food or incidentals to worry about while they are now dealing w/the loss of their home. Please, Any donation helps! Today for them tomorrow for us Thank you all!
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