Hey guys. I'm Amanda( Matt and Hannah's sister in law). Tyler( Hannah's brother) and I have decided to start a go fund me to see if we can help get the Lay family's monthly bills paid while Matt is UAB. Here is his story: July 4th Matt went to the ER with leg pain. He ended up having a blood clot and had emergency surgery to restore blood flow to his leg. After some follow up tests it has revealed he has a blood clot in his heart. He is now at UAB for an undetermined amount of time and could possibly be having open heart surgery. Matt is the sole provider for this family. His amazing wife is a stay at home mom for 3 boys ranging from the ages of 11-1. Please donate if you feel led to. Their family and friends are helping in anyway they can. Hannah is at uab with Matt currently and medical bills, gas, food, every expense you can think of is adding up.
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